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Noise measurements
Noise measurements are a regular part of our business. We can calculate for hours in detail, we can engineer it all in 3D, but in the end the on-site parameters can never be fully reproduced by means of software. Ducting layout, the flow characteristics, temperatures, they all have their influence on the practical outcome. Therefore we like to execute on site noise measurements. Both on unsilenced situations – what is the actual exhaust sound in practice? Is it comparable with the sheets that we get from our clients? – and on silenced situations – Do we reach our theoretical noise reduction values? Already for decades we execute measurements on a regular basis in 1/3 otave detail on all types of installations like engines, heaters, blowers, fans, compressors, blowoff systems, etc. In our opinion the best basis to design the best noise solutions. Latest measurements were taken begin August on the roof of a large gas engine fired cogeneration greenhouse set in the Netherlands. As you see on the pic, a superb cogeneration set!