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Specialists in noise control

GREEN gas machines
Already for many years we design and supply silencers for these green gas machines. We consider gas engine power generation a very suitable and more important one of the cleanest options at this particular moment in the energy transition period towards a ‘full renewable’ status. The systems that are being installed nowadays are equipped with aftertreatment systems that minimize pollutions. The exhaust heat is commonly used in several stages resulting in very high efficiencies. Compare this to the optional biomass installations. On he pic the large DN700 to DN800 silencer for a 3.5M engine, one of a huge series. Equiped with all supports, lifting lugs, counterflanges, gaskets. To be installed far away from the Netherlands. A great project!!
Parallelweg 9
2921 LE Krimpen a/d IJssel
+31 (0) 180 51 40 55
© TIO B.V. 2024 | Realisatie: Studio Q