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Specialists in noise control

international chp projects
We design and supply exhaust parts and silencers for the broadest range of international CHP projects. Having many decades of experience with CHP installations and nearly any gas engine make, we are the best silencer partner! Just look at those 5 – out of a total of 7 – combined silencers for a project in Tendrara, Morocco. These ‘Made in Holland’ silencers will be installed on some top class green 2WM natural gas fired engines. Worldwide these ‘bridging’ installations will play a major role as a flexible backup to respond to the intermittency of wind and solar while heading towards low- and zero-carbon economies in 2030/35/50. Not unimportant: in addition to our exhaust system and acoustic specialism, we can also assist you with the design and implementation of aftertreatment like oxicats, SCR and DPF systems. Loose or integrated. Full system service!